Time Out in Everyday Life

Taking a break in between life stresses


Taking time out of your busy day is beneficial to your physical and spiritual well-being. If you make it habitual, you will be able to think more clearly and creatively. Life will be more enjoyable if you tap into that alone time.

My time out is early in the morning, reflecting and reading the word of God. If I miss that time connecting and praying, I feel stressed out throughout the day.  For example, I woke up a few days ago, and instead of reaching for my bible, I took the television remote in hand and flipped through the channels. Intrigued by the medias political assessment of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I was trapped, trying to listen to different viewpoints of our Presidential candidates.

When I realized I hadn’t taken the time to pray, to be honest I was so caught up with the program, I tried to squeeze my reading into a commercial. Guilt started to take a hold of me and I said to myself, “God is more than a commercial and deserves quality time.”

Now before you judge me, this is not my usual behavior. However I recognized what I was doing, turned off the television and proceeded with my time out to meditate. I felt relieved and was ready to start my day. My time alone gives me peace of mind and is one of the best parts of my day.

This is one of my ways of having time out and setting my day. I also go to the movies alone, spend time with friends, spa, sit by a lake observing nature, and long walks. How about the rest of us? What can you implement in your life to take time out? I am talking about everyday life, not the time we are given for vacation.

We are all so busy with work and family, that we scurry throughout the day, failing to recognize we all need to stop, think, relax and just breathe. Even for a moment, learn to be still, clear your thoughts, take time out from the busyness of life. I can honestly say I enjoy my time out. It puts me in a better frame of mind, mentally and spiritually while giving me the ability to write more creatively.

Success in life is about being the best you can be inspite of your journey.

Do you have any creative ideas for time out?