Character and Conduct


Finally,Brethren, whatever things are  true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.

     Philippians 4:8

Everything you think about begins in the mind. Our thoughts shapes our character and conduct towards others. It molds our belief system. It encourages us to change our own reality towards righteous or unrighteous living. Who we are and the life we want to live is contingent on our thought process. When you meditate think on positive thoughts that will lead to life. Let your conduct give you peace instead of anxiety.

Concentrate on the things that will help you live according to God’s will. Character is who you are when no one is looking. It’s the decisions you make day to day. Your character influences your actions. We all have the power within us to choose positive thoughts and hold all negative thoughts captive.  Practicing this principle will push out the dark  thoughts and make more room for the light to shine forth in your life.

2 thoughts on “Character and Conduct

  1. I love that GOD sees the inner things that sometimes people don’t see.

    I love that He is a deep GOD and He goes deep into the core of our beings and brings to the surface some things we didn’t even know was there!

    I love that the Character He builds in us in the sometimes secret chambers of affliction, causes Deep to cry out to Deep: that hollow sacred place in us that hungers for just one more moment when His breath is exhaled into our souls.

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